5 Sales Strategies
Done Right The First Time!
with Jenn Lewis

Do you have consistent sales of $5000+? If not, you need strategies, sales models and MORE with Jenn Lewis. The methods that work for her boutique business can work for you regardless of your genre.
5 Sales Strategies Done Right The First Time!

Have you ever had a client order less than your time is worth, or photographed a full session only for your client to never purchase anything? Jenn will give you ideas on overcoming these obstacles while building a strong connection with your client. She’ll give you tips to increase your sales average and bring in more revenue each year. Although she primarily photographs seniors and headshots, Jenn’s processes are something you can implement right away for better sales no matter what your photography specialty.

Jenn is an award-winning portrait photographer based in Clemmons, North Carolina who concentrates on seniors and headshots. She began her photography business 16 years ago as a “mom with a camera”. With a determined work ethic and tenacious personality, she grew her part-time business from her living room to her full-time 1600 square foot studio while multiplying her sales average by 10. She is an army of one, but her ADHD helps her to multitask like a BOSS.
Jenn loves this relationship-based business. She lives to attend conferences where she has learned great business practices like combining good sales techniques and a great experience all while taking killer photos. Still, the networking, which usually takes place at the bar, might be her favorite part.

Jenn is easily recognized by her crazy curly hair, which has been rumored to give her superpowers in her sales room. She enjoys road trips, long walks on the beach, and pink Starbursts.
Jenn Lewis is a Photographic Craftsman and a Certified Professional Photographer
Date: Wednesday, 14th June, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM with 1 hr lunch break on your own
Location: Nuvo Room - 4241 Sigma Rd. Dallas TX 75244
Order of Events
0900 Welcome/Introduction
0910 Why In-Person-Sales (IPS) & Pricing Strategy
1000 Break
10:15 How to handle Consultation
1200 Lunch Break
1300 Overcoming IPS Obstacles
1500 Break
1515 Navigating the Ordering Session
1630 Final Thoughts
What to Bring
Whatever you take notes with (paper/pen/laptop etc) and an OPEN MIND! Recording allowed for PERSONAL USE ONLY